The numerous wires and IV's that were connected to him looped around his precious feet, as he laid there in peace amongst the beeps and constant chatter of the NICU. I longed to hold him. The fear that was inside of my mommy heart was excruciating, and the doctors had yet to give me solid hope that he would survive.
We walked out of the hospital, my heart limping.
He was strong.
We pulled over to get something to eat, and I collapsed in tears at the side of the car. "I just want my baby! I want to know my baby is going to live! Please God. Please."
He wrapped his arms around me. He was strong.
Soon, our precious baby started to improve. Slowly, the IV's were removed and I was able to hold him. I couldn't speak. I soaked in the moment. Aaah, thank you baby will be ok.
I handed him the baby, who looked so small in his arms.
"Hey, little guy. I'm your daddy. I knew you were going to be ok - you scared your mommy though. No more of that."
He was strong.
As he spoke to me about his day, that precious little baby who is a toddler now, heard his daddy's voice. He ran yelling, "Daddy! Daddy! Hi!" He ran straight into him wrapping his tiny little arms around his daddy's legs.
He loves his daddy. I love his daddy.
We sat around the table eating dinner. The noise level and the commotion were as normal, and then it was time to do our new dinner time ritual of "feeding our hearts" with a family devotional.
My son looked at me and said, "Is that it Mommy? My heart is still hungry!"
My heart was thrilled.
He loves his Father.
The desire of my heart, is that my children grow into adults feeling abundantly loved and protected by their daddy. My hope, is that they always love their daddy as big as they love him now. And the greatest yearning of mine as a parent is that their daddy and I can cultivate a love, a passion, a constant desire for more of their Father God.
May this Father's day be a day for all you wonderful, strong daddies to experience just a glimpse of what treasures you are to your families.
And if today is a day that makes your heart hurt because you don't have a daddy who was strong and loving, or your daddy was taken too soon - please know that you have a Father who is stronger and more loving than any other.
You are loved.
What a beautiful, heart felt message of your family and Father's Day. I cried while reading it remembering when baby Will was in the NICU and what a heart wrenching time and struggle that was for you and Dave and the kids and all who love you. God has brought you through so many trials and your faith remains strong because with God all things are possible. Happy Father's Day to your amazing husband and father of your beautiful children!
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